Let’s raise your CG and VFX skills.

PS. Lion – work by Andrey Bilichenko (Houdini training instructor) for SideFX

Cg-school.org –  is an educational platform which helps you to gain knowledge and practical skills in the field of computer graphics without wasting your time and money. Our tutorials will help you create movies, games, VFX for films and commercials.

Join us:

  • to get high-quality video tutorials to create vfx and compositing;
  • attend free tutorials by professionals and experts CGI;
  • get online training on Nuke, 3ds max, Unreal Engine, Houdini, After Effects and other advanced CGI programs.

Get news and the latest content first:


Start your learning with professional video tutorials. In a concise and accessible form, we have outlined here all the necessary knowledge for a quick start in your chosen direction. The lessons consist of a theoretical part, which describes all the settings and parameters of the programs, and also contains work with real projects.


Versatile dynamics simulator that seamlessly integrates with Autodesk 3ds Max, Maya, V-Ray and Corona.

UE – Environment Lighting

Learn how to create cinematic lighting inside Unreal Engine 5.1


Fluid dynamics plugin for Autodesk 3ds max, designed for simulation and rendering of realistic fire, smoke, explosions and other gaseous phenomena.


3ds Max’s particle base plugin with multithreading and a wide variety of solvers.


Software and plugin for planar motion tracking, rotoscoping, object removal, image stabilization, and new PowerMesh tracking.

Online trainings

Follow the start of the trainings to take advantage of the maximum pre-registration discounts. All trainings are conducted by practicing professionals in your individual small group (up to 10 people). To get the maximum effect in a short time, we pre-recorded the lessons and divided them into chapters. And the teacher answers your questions every day and holds a live webinar once a week to check homework and live communication.



4 Sep 2022. Instructor - Andrey Bilichenko.

Unreal Engine (Cinematics)

Unreal Engine (Cinematics)

11 Jan 2025. Mentor – Oleg Verenko.



12 Jan 2025. Mentor – Oleg Verenko.

3ds Max (VFX Artist) 4.0

3ds Max (VFX Artist) 4.0

19 Oct 2024. Mentor – Oleg Verenko.

Efficiency secrets: how did we become leaders in our areas?

No employees

We do not have any hired teacher who, for a small fee, somehow “teaches” something that has not been used for a long time. Teachers (project founders and partners of the school) are more responsible for your results, they give their best at trainings. We really benefit when you reach your goals and recommend us in the future.

Teachers are practicing professionals

You can see this in our portfolio and current projects. We know what is currently needed on the market, and what is already outdated. And we will be able to give you only the necessary up-to-date knowledge without unnecessary informational garbage.

We love what we do

As you noticed, we do not have paid marketing. We do not store your cookies in order to catch up with you for a month with ads and do not impose anything on you. And we just do our job – cool CG projects and lessons based on them. We are doing this project with pleasure, so that you are also satisfied.

Learn to solve real problems

In second place are tools and theory. It’s in our free tutorials.

Small groups at online trainings (up to 10 people)

The main thing in trainings is feedback from the teacher. This will give you more attention, more feedback, more communication and opportunities to get a good chunk of the teaching experience. Therefore, we do not inflate groups through marketing and work with you almost individually.

Free support and advice after the end of the course

Both in real projects and in further training. You can always contact practicing teachers about any questions and we will help you.

School on the market since 2012

For 10 years, our trainings, experience and educational materials have gone through fire, water and copper pipes. We have honed them to perfection, so we can train you faster and more efficiently than others.

Blog posts


Проблема 21 столетия. Как не выгореть на работе занимаясь даже любимым делом? В начале давайте разберем с физиологической точки зрения что такое "выгорание". Зачастую оно наступает после нескольких волн пересиживания и овертаймов. А иногда и просто после 5-7 лет...

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Удвоимся в кризис?

На связи Олег, давно ничего не писал. Несколько месяцев делал новый большой интернет-проект. Но пришло время и есть повод догнать упущенное. Пару недель назад в тематическом Fb паблике я сделал пост, где предложил дженералистам не демпинговать в период кризиса и брать...

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Собеседуем компанию. Вопросы, которые ты обязан задать будущему боссу.

Будем честными, не каждая компания (а тем более в СНГ) стоит того, что бы в ней работали даже начинающие специалисты. Нет, я сейчас не горю лучами яростной злости к своему последнему боссу. Те компании, в которых я работал перед уходом в свободное плавание были очень...

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Ваша первая работа. 5 принципов.

Hola. На связи Олег и сегодня я снова буду шатать ваши парадигмы. Поговорим про первое рабочее место. А именно про то, на что ориентироваться при его выборе. Как вы заметили для начинающих специалистов я часто рекомендую поработать в 2-3 компаниях перед тем, как...

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[Статья] Почему компьютерная графика должна стоить намного дешевле.

Часто удивляюсь, где у людей берется столько наглости просить за 30-минут поста для художественного фильма по 700-900$ ? Вы же эти пол года не работаете, а играетесь себе в удовольствие. Мало того, сейчас компьютер все делает сам. AI режет маски автоматически....

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[Перевод статьи] Emmys 2019: Chernobyl

Оригинал статьи: https://www.fxguide.com/fxfeatured/emmys-2019-chernobyl/?fbclid=IwAR32dS1s_erSiJ9md7CEo7CkO6wd5PeNXQCSMtjDSBePVxPzA3Inp5y-L9Q Визуальные эффекты сериала  "Чернобыль" создавались под контролем VFX супервайзера Макса Деннисона из DNEG в Лондоне....

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